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Behold Ministries

Behold Ministries

Behold Ministries supports faith-based Christ centered discipleship rehab programs by providing Gifts-in-Kind donations to those ministries that operate thrift stores in order to raise funds and teach vocational training to their residence that work in the stores.


Currently Behold Ministries Is providing Gifts-in-Kind to 10 thrift stores associated with residential discipleship rehab programs. Since Behold Ministries has begun doing this these Gift-in-Kind donation have helped raise over $1 million for these ministries. The primary source of these gifts has come from Macy’s furniture returns that are in turn donated to Behold Ministries to distribute to the above mentioned Thrift Stores. The ministries that operates the stores pay Behold Ministries an an administrative fee of $1500 per truckload of furniture; and they give voluntary donations to Behold Ministries to help support the Wilkerson Outreach Projects. 


In addition Behold Ministries Through the Wilkerson Outreach Projects provides Books written by Don Wilkerson to Teen Challenge and similar programs to help discipleship training of students and leaders. 



Click here to donate.  God bless you!


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